Thank You!

I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who came out to Bucks County Community College’s first annual anime con, and to my fellow artists in the artists alley. You guys braved some pretty nasty weather, and as far as I’m concerned, you are all rockstars. Especially those who bought prints. You rock hardcore. And thank you to BCCC’s anime club for having me.

For those who took cards, check back often! A print shop is coming soon.

Wanted to ask me a question? Just use the contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

BCCC Anime Con

For anyone in the Bucks County/Philly area this weekend, come on out to Bucks County Community College’s first Anime con!
For the first time EVER I will be selling prints of some of my more popular pieces–including, but not limited to, Hunger Games, Marvel, Game of Thrones, and Jay and Silent Bob.
Check out the event here:

Shout Out

I wanted to give a shout out and a thank you to KotoriCon at Gloucester County Community College. I helped man their Zombification Station (along with 3 other fabulous people) and had a blast. If you’re ever in the Jersey area and have a chance to go, I highly recommend it. It may be one of the smaller cons I’ve been to, but it was awesome and so worth it.

I’ve been dark over here for a while. Sorry friends. Regularly scheduled programming will commence soon.

New York Comic Con 2012

NYCC was a blast. I hope everyone has as much fun as I did. We saw some awesome things, hung out with old friends, and met some great people. I hope you all enjoyed it, too.

I uploaded some new color work. Check it out here.

Also, stay tuned for a how to article called “Making an Iron Man Glove.” The alternate title being “Why I am the best girlfriend ever.”

Post-San Diego Comic Con 2012

Thor, Hammer, Lightning, red cape, armor

Back from San Diego Comic Con!

Before I get down to business about the con, I’ve got some new art on the site. Here is just a small taste, so be sure to check around for more.

copic marker, character design sketch, drawingThor, Hammer, Lightning, red cape, armor

All right! Back to the con!

First, let me just get this out of the way: it was awesome and everything you will ever dream of. We met some awesome fellow fans and some really cool exhibitors. Everyone was just happy to be there. The good vibes were flying.

So, as some of you may or may not know, I hung out at the portfolio reviews on the first official day of the con (it went well, thanks for asking). While I was sitting there, I thought about how I wish I knew more of what to expect. Each con has their own way of doing these, and sometimes it can be exhausting keeping what’s what in line. I decided to do a write-up of the whole process. I’ve had a few awesome artists give me some helpful advice or materials along the way—shout out to Mike Deodato, you rock!—and if this helps anyone prepare I’ll consider it a job well done.

For some thoughts and musings on the portfolio review scene…. Continue reading “Post-San Diego Comic Con 2012”

Shooting in Aurora, CO

I spent most of the day thinking about how to write this or if I even should. Something that should have been a fun night was turned into this horrible tragedy. I go to midnight movies, and I know many people who do. We look forward to doing these fun things. I’m at a loss for words to really describe it.

So I would just like to say my thoughts are with those whose lives were affected. If you pray, pray for them. If you don’t, send good thoughts that way.

This isn’t a political thing. This is a real tragedy. Let’s not trivialize the loss by arguing semantics.


Other updates coming soon. But I wanted to take the time to talk about this.

“In a coat of gold, or a coat of red, a lion still has claws.”

cersei lannister lion lena headey red game of thrones

Things are in the works. Hopefully big things.

It’s been a busy spring. I designed makeup for and oversaw the work on two productions,and have been working on building up my comic portfolio.

We’ll be heading out to San Diego Comic Con this summer, so stay tuned for accounts of ridiculous adventures. The countdown has begun.

So, since you all have been so patient waiting for me to update, I have a lot of new art. Be sure to check out the traditional, digital, and fan art sections.

But since tonight is the season finale of Game of Thrones, here’s Cersei Lannister. Because who doesn’t love a dangerous, hot blond?

cersei lannister lion lena headey red game of thrones

Effects Makeup

broke nose effects make up

Finally. Some awesome shots of my effects makeup from the haunted house this year. We had a pretty good year, so thank you to everyone who attended, and thank you to my wonderful cast and crew. Show them love by checking out their pretty (horrifying) faces.

broke nose effects make upscary make up

Check out more on the Make up page! You’ll find even more pictures from this year.