Girl on Fire

Katniss Everdeen Hunger Games Interview Dress

More Hunger Games Fan Art!

In honor of Oscar night, I decided to draw Katniss Everdeen in her interview dress. Suzanne Collin’s described it as being made with gem stones, and looking like fire, so I took it and ran. I wanted her to look pretty, but not sexy. Katniss says she can’t pull off sexy. But I still wanted it to function as a dress, too, and not be this wispy thing. Gem stones are not wispy.

So, the girl on fire dress from the Hunger Games.

Katniss Everdeen Hunger Games Interview Dress

Buffy and Faith

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy and Faith, from Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This was a commission for a friend, but I really enjoyed putting this piece together. He wanted the two women and somehow incorporating ying and yang. So I took that and ran with it, having Buffy and Faith themselves being the symbols, and mirroring it with the sky and the fog.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer


I feel artists are more vulnerable than most to the dark side of the internet. Art work is stolen and reproduced without permission, and money is made off the artist’s hard work, sometimes without them ever knowing.

Piracy is bad. There is no argument there. SOPA and PIPA are not the answer. They have far reaching ramifications that should not be allowed to happen.  Deviant Art lays it out pretty well with the following:

“In both proposals, if they became law, the government of the United States would determine on application if a website was primarily engaged in unlicensed distribution.  A court might hold a hearing but only if the people who run the website showed up.  Otherwise, the site would be blocked by an order directing all websites in the United States with search capabilities or links to refuse to resolve any results or clicks to the blocked address.

“Blocking addresses is hard to do without damaging every address on the Internet.  The blocking methods suggested in these two proposals would completely confuse existing Internet functions. They would encourage multiple hacks to get around the blocks (and the proposals, it turns out, would be ineffective against very simple work-arounds).  Maybe a few copyrights get saved but the price is opening massive wormholes in the Internet permitting hackers to re-direct traffic all over the place — to malware, spyware, and phishing operations.” (

This also opens the big debate of who decides what these infringes of copyrights are. Where is the line drawn? Is a screen shot from a movie piracy? What about rifftracks or “how it should have ended?” Is fan art and fanfiction a violation? What if some one decides your original character looks a little too much like copyrighted material? It’s a dangerous, scary road.

Please, take the time to contact your senators and representatives. Let them know that censorship is not the way to go.

Wikipedia has a wonderful setup for you to let your government officials know. Check out the link. Be heard.

Also, I think the Oatmeal has a wonderful gif on the subject.

For those who need a little more info on subject, there is a summary and great discussion going on over at deviantArt.

Merry Christmas From Team Angel

Angel Fan art

And Happy Holidays.

This is the winning idea for my holiday contest. Kelly suggested Angel and puppets, and having been on a puppet kick since seeing the Muppet Movie, I couldn’t resist.

So we have Angel, surrounded by a crack team of puppets: Wesley, Fred, Cordelia, Lorne, Gunn, and of course Spike.

Joss Whedon is a genius, but the puppet episode is just brilliant. So I will piggy back on his brilliance to wish you a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a wonderful new year.

Angel Fan art

For more fan art, check out the  fan art page.

“Stay Alive.” Hunger Games Fan Art.

Haymitch Abernathy from the hunger games

Who doesn’t love “Hunger Games” fan art? First, Haymitch Abernathy. While I think Woody Harelson will do wonderful in the movie, I always pictured Haymitch looking a little more like Robert Downy Jr. I wanted to draw Haymitch inside the fence of District 12, with his alcohol in hand. Still strong, but haggard. Despite the wreck he’s become, he’s still determined to get Katniss through the Hunger Games alive. Second, Finnick Odair. Finnick is my favorite character. I drew him on a beach in District 4, trident in hand. You can’t not love Finnick, and his appearance in the Quarter Quell is my favorite. Finally, Alma Coin. I won’t say much about Coin, for those who haven’t read “Mockingjay” yet. I always pictured Coin looking a little like Sigourney Weaver. I think she would be the perfect choice. Haymitch Abernathy from the hunger gamesFinnick Odair from the Hunger GamesAlma Coin from the hunger games For more Hunger Games Fan art, and other fan art, check out the Fan Art Page.

“Happy Hunger Games!”

Effie Trinket Fan Art from the Hunger Games

I did promise there would be more “Hunger Games” Fan Art, and here it is. Effie Trinket, Primrose Everdeen, and Cinna. And Buttercup. I couldn’t draw Prim without Buttercup.

To me, Effie is the very picture of propriety. To convey that, I put her in Victorian inspired clothing. And I wanted her pink hair to be PINK. I never saw it as anything but bright pink. She’s in front of the Justice Building, doing her thing. Get ready for the reaping.

Which brings us to sweet little Prim. She had to be some one that was universally loved, that Katniss would give her life to save. She is the reason that Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games in the first place. I hope the innocence I was trying to capture shows through. And that Buttercup is so ugly he’s cute.

Cinna. I did a couple of sketches of Cinna before I settled on this one. His gold eyeliner is my actually eyeshadow, so it’s very reflective in person. I placed him in front of the Capitol skyline, match in hand, because he’s the real spark that sets it all burning to the ground.


Effie Trinket Fan Art from the Hunger GamesPrimrose Everdeen fan art from the Hunger GamesFan Art of Cinna from the Hunger Games

You can find more Hunger Games art in the fan art section.

Waiting is the hardest part…

Hello everyone on this rainy Wednesday—at least on the east coast. This unseasonal weather has definitely not gotten me in the Christmas spirit. So I’ve decided to draw some Christmas themed fan art. What kind of fan art, you may ask? Well, that is entirely up to you!

Head on over to the facebook page, and the person with the best idea will get a picture drawn. It must be awesome, and preferably from a fandom I enjoy, definitely one I’m familiar with.

Good luck.

Also, more Hunger Games Fan art will be appearing shortly. In the meantime, for more Hunger Games art, and other fan art, check out the fan art page.